Great Starts Instructors

As independent educators, we are able to teach you what research tells us is best practices for maternity care, rather than being limited (as many hospital-based classes are) to covering only the options available at one institution.

We hire and train Certified Childbirth Educators, lactation educators, CPR instructors, and other specialty instructors such as IBCLC certified lactation consultants. All our teachers have professional backgrounds and have received additional specialized training in our field of expertise. We also require annual continuing education and ongoing evaluations for all of our instructors. The curriculum is also updated and evaluated regularly by our 9-person Education Committee, ensuring the latest evidence-based information is used, and that the content is balanced.

The majority of our instructors have worked with families in labor, either as a nurse or as a doula, other work with families after the birth in their specialty areas. Almost all of our instructors are parents themselves, and have personal experience with birth and parenting. Some instructors are also grandparents, giving added depth and value to their multigenerational experiences.

Angela Hodge GS Instructor Photo

Angela Hodge

Classes Taught:
Childbirth Preparation Series
I love forming connections with my students and helping them connect with each other. It is my goal to help my students think more deeply about their birth experience and the postpartum period.

Ashley Sirls

Classes Taught:
Childbirth Preparation Series
I believe in facilitating rather than teaching. I want all students to gain self-efficacy and knowledge through engaging hands on experience that leave them feeling ready to advocate for themselves.

Barb Decker

Classes Taught:
I believe that every woman should have the chance to face any fears of birthing and learn constructive ways to help them look forward to birth with calm and confidence.

Cate Vrooman

Classes Taught:
Childbirth Preparation Series
Newborn Care
I believe that class is an invaluable opportunity for new mothers and their partners to build their labor and parenting “tool box” by engaging in hands-on practice and learning relevant, evidence-based information. I want students to leave class confident in their own wisdom to make decisions about their birth and to care for their newborn.

Chevy Geach

Classes Taught:
Full Childbirth Series
Newborn Care
More information coming soon!

Ildi Sebestyen

Classes Taught:
Full Childbirth Series
Newborn Care
I believe that knowledge is power. I thrive to provide evidence-based information to families so that they can make informed decisions throughout their birth journey.

Janelle Durham

MSW, LCCE, Co-author: Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Newborn
Classes Taught:
Professional Childbirth Educator Training
Better Birth Refresher
Newborn Care
Life with Baby
I encourage expectant parents to learn about all of their options, using professionals to answer the key questions about those options, but then to make their own decisions, based on their personal values and priorities.

Jenny Harvey

Classes Taught:
Infant CPR
In my classes, I strive to empower families to be healthy, safe, and happy. My goal in class is to help parents and caregivers realize their strengths, identify risks, and lessen their fears by providing them with the tools they need to make informed decisions for the safety of their children.

Kathy Wilson

Classes Taught:
Full series
Labor & birth miniseries
Newborn care
Becoming Parents Program
My goal as an educator is to equip new parents with the information necessary to make decisions that best suits their birth goals. I also try to instill confidence that they are their own best advocates and to trust their instincts.

Katie Lindberg

Classes Taught:
Childbirth Preparation Series (3- or 6-week)
Newborn Care
The key to building strong, healthy families is support. All families deserve support! Childbirth classes are often one of the first steps along this journey.

Katie Rohs

Classes Taught:
Childbirth Preparation Series (3- or 6-week)
Lamaze 8-week Series
Working With Labor Pain
Newborn Care
I endeavor to increase the confidence of those taking my classes, while balancing realistic expectations. I am a fiend for current research and evidence, and balancing that evidence with what families might actually expect in their birth setting.

Kim James

Classes Taught:
Full series
Labor & birth miniseries
Newborn care
I do this work because I believe effective parenting is one of the best ways to improve the world, and parenting begins with pregnancy and birth. My greatest pleasure as a childbirth educator is watching women become confident, joyous and excited about the birth and early parenting of their children.

Mallory Emerson

LCCE, CD (PALS), BADT C-FSD, Certification in process with DONA
Classes Taught:
Childbirth Preparation Series (3- or 6-week)
Newborn Care
Life with Baby
Private classes Mini series (1- or 2-day)
I strive to inspire parents to approach labor and birth with confidence and strength, allowing them to embrace the choices they will make along the path to welcoming their baby to the world.

Penny Simkin


Currently on hiatus
Classes Taught:
Childbirth Preparation Series (8 week)
Sibling Preparation for Kids
As of May 2021, Penny Simkin is on hiatus from teaching. Penny’s classes with be taught by her long-time assistant, Katie Rohs, during this time.

Sarah Stempski

Classes Taught:
Infant CPR
My goal in class is to help parents and caregivers start conversations, build confidence, and inspire them to share with other caregivers in their life.

Sharon Muza

Classes Taught:
Sharon Muza has been the consulting instructor at Parent Trust since April 2013, honored to be working with our fantastic team of educators.

Tara Coffin

Classes Taught:
Newborn Care
Life with Baby
Adoptive Family Classes
New families start from what they know and build bridges to less familiar content, making new knowledge meaningful and constructing their own understanding of the material. It is my job as an educator to ensure they have access to the inclusive environment and tools they need to complete this task.

Tracy McPhillips

Classes Taught:
Childbirth Preparation Series ( 1, 3- or 6-week)
Newborn Care
I support families in their choices for childbirth and postpartum, by providing unbiased, evidence based information, in a fun and energetic format, that includes practice and sharing ideas.