Spending time in nature is a stress management strategy that works for many people. And now there is a great research study that supports this! A recent study published in Scientific Reports has identified the time threshold for when time in nature is positively associated with good health and wellbeing. 120 minutes a week. “Spending Read More
Tag: relax
Calm Down Box
Looking for new ways to deal with conflict at home that bring out your creative side? Try a calm down box! A calm down box is a small container filled with soothing words or objects. The items in the box should reflect the age of the person meant to use it, but the idea remains Read More
Parenting and stress
Parenting is not easy and it can be stressful sometimes. People often view the stress response as negative and want to avoid it as much as possible. However, there are some necessary and beneficial aspects to it. Our Read More
Take Ten
All parents feel stress in a variety of ways: exhaustion, fussy children, job pressures and family problems. Recognizing that you are under stress is the first step in learning how to take control. Here is a process you can use to turn your stress into positive action. © Parent Trust for Washington Children Read More
Recuperative Sleep
There are many strategies for reducing stress but one of the most important ones is making sure you and your children get recuperative sleep. Recuperative sleep is the type of sleep where you actually feel rested when you wake up—not just as tired as before you went to sleep! Read More
Finger Breaths
It can be difficult to teach young children how to calm themselves down in tough situations. One thing that research has shown is that slow, deep breaths help! There are numerous ways to help teach your child to take slow, deep breaths. Read More