Parenting Advice

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Get advice and support today for your family.

Find positive solutions that work.

Parenting Tips

Articles with age-appropriate advice for taking care of your infant, toddler, preschooler, school-age child, and teen/young adult as well as pregnancy and childbirth articles. You’ll also find lots of activity ideas!

Parent Tips >>

Children’s Books

Bored reading the same stories over and over? Unsure what to check out of the library for your child? Read reviews from our staff and parents. You’ll find books for all ages of children.

Book reviews >>

Infant Safe Sleep

Information and recommendations about how to keep your baby safe during sleep.

Infant safe sleep >>

New Parent Depression and Anxiety

Basic information, call to action and how to get help.

Read about new parent depression and anxiety >>

Have a Plan

Stress?  Frustration?  Fatigue? Have A Plan for those frustrating parenting times when dealing with a newborn.

Have a plan >>

Call the Family Help Line

call the family help line 1-800-932-4673

Prefer to talk with someone? Call our Family Help Line and talk with a parenting coach. Asking for help and support is parent of good parenting!

+1 (800) 932-HOPE (4673)

more information >>