Physical Play and Self Control

Self-control is an important part of emotional development. It is what allows children to manage their feelings and regulate their behavior. The University of Cambridge did an interesting review of 78 studies that had been conducted between 2007-2017. What they found was that children who had more playtime with their fathers had better self-control, were Read More

Explore the Outdoors

4 Ways to Explore the outdoors with your children Exploring the outdoors is a great way to inspire creativity, an appreciation for the natural world, breathe fresh air and get physically active as a family! According to Sanford Health outdoor play: Builds cognitive & social/emotional health Benefits physical health through aerobic exercise and Vitamin D Read More

Flashlight Walk

This activity is a way to get more outside time for your children AND potentially help them settle down for sleep at night. If you were to try to get your children to take a walk around the neighborhood, maybe you’d get eye rolls and “boring!” comments. But, if you wait until it’s dark, give Read More