Help Baby Get a Good Latch Latch is the way your baby’s mouth holds on to your breast as she nurses. If it’s a good latch, your baby gets milk and it doesn’t hurt your nipples. Some babies get onto the nipple and areola (the dark area around the nipple) without much trouble. Others need Read More
Category: Infants
Never Shake a Baby
Shaking a baby can cause: Babies cry! The baby’s not upset with you. Crying is one way your baby can tell you what he or she needs. Usually your baby will cry less when you respond to his crying with soothing actions. Your baby may be: Remember, all babies cry, so have a plan of Read More
Sibling Rivalry
New Baby and Pre-School Age Siblings You have a new baby on the way and you’re concerned about how your older child will react to this new addition to the family. You know there’s the potential for “sibling rivalry”, a competition between brothers and sisters for the love and attention of their parents, for material Read More
Self Care Tips For New Parents
If you are a new parent, you are probably experiencing a lot of stress. It’s normal to be exhausted much of the time. If you never take time to rest, relax and recharge, parenthood can become a trap that leaves you feeling irritable, angry and overwhelmed. Here are seven simple steps to reduce your stress. Read More
Calm a Crying Baby
WHEN YOU’VE TRIED EVERYTHING TO CALM A CRYING BABY When a baby’s basic needs of food, warmth, cuddling and a dry diaper have been met, and he is still crying, try: WHITE NOISE WATER: sometimes just the sound of running water calms a baby! OUTDOORS SKIN-TO-SKIN: take off the baby’s clothes (except diaper). Hold him Read More
Postpartum Depression Awareness
Post Partum Depression ASK and ACT. It’s the Right Thing to Do! The Bottom Line-At least 10% of women experience Post Partum Depression: Thousands of our daughters, sisters and partners will experience Post Partum Depression sometime within the first year after giving birth. Post Partum Depression (PPD) is not “the Baby Blues”: Post Partum Depression Read More