Baking and Cooking

There are many ways to be creative. We often think of art projects for children’s creative activities, but cooking and baking are creative arts too. Children too young to read can assist parents by helping to add ingredients. Parents can support this helping behavior by pre-measuring ingredients and coaching their child when to add and Read More

I Spy Bottle

I Spy bottles can keep little ones interested and big ones busy. All you need is an empty plastic bottle, such as a water bottle or empty beverage container, and some interesting objects to put inside. First, place some small items in the bottle such as beads, mancala stones, paper clips, crayons, small blocks, dice, Read More

Paper Snowflakes

By making paper snowflakes, young children can build their gross motor skills, learn to handle scissors, and make their own unique designs. As they get older have they will be able to cut more and more complex designs. Snowflakes are also a beautiful decoration to brighten any room or window. Tape them from the ceiling, Read More

Ice Cube Painting

For your young child(ren) the process and sensations of drawing and painting are just as, if not more, important than the final product. Let them explore the unique experience of painting with ice cubes and a powdered drink mix Materials Needed: Directions: It might not look like much, but most children are very interested by Read More