Playing games as a family can be lots of fun, but it can also be challenging and at times frustrating. Try to use some of the following strategies when playing games with your children, and maybe, after a bit of practice playing games will come to be a fun way to spend time together. Playing Read More
Category: Connect
“Cool” tips for turning meal time into a pleasant experience. Make mealtime a family time: Habit Forming:Make your goal to share 3 to 5 meals a week as a family. It doesn’t have to be dinner – any meal works! Everybody Helps:It may seem easier and faster to do it yourself, but the time you Read More
Peek A Boo
What does playing Peek-A-Boo accomplish? You can’t force skill development. Although there are typical developmental stages that occur usually at certain ages, you can’t force a child to develop a skill like object permanence. Think of it instead as providing the healthy environment that can stimulate this development. Remember that children are just not capable Read More
Separation Anxiety
By Elizabeth Pantley, Author of Gentle Baby Care My baby is only happy when I’m within arm’s reach. If I dare to leave the room, she cries as if I’ve left the country! I can’t even so much as take a shower these days, let alone leave the house without her. My mother-in-law says it’s Read More
Self Esteem
Self-esteem has to do with how we feel about ourselves. High self-esteem can make it easier for children to face life struggles and perform better in groups than children with low self-esteem. But sometimes our efforts to improve children’s self-esteem simply cause excessive pride, and/or empty pride (pride in oneself that is not backed up Read More
Enjoying Your Child
Enjoying your child isn’t always very easy.Difficult behaviors, like whining and tantrums, can seem to outweigh the fun times. And when you feel overwhelmed, exhausted, and angry, things can get to the point where you just don’t feel very positive about your child and may not want to spend time with them. And yet–spending positive Read More