What’s In The Box?

Early learning (and school readiness) isn’t about knowing just the ABC’s and 1,2,3’s. It’s not only about what a child learns, but also about how they think, interact with their environment, how they see themselves and their community, and much more. What does playing “What’s In The Box” accomplish? Preparation: How to play: © Parent Read More

Naptime Problems

Napping is an important element of your child’s healthy mental and physical growth. A daily nap refreshes a child so that she can maintain her energy, focus, and ability to learn for the rest of the day. Some studies even show that children who nap every day are more flexible and adaptable, have longer attention Read More


Avoiding the “I’ll do it when I’m good and ready” Battle Dawdling can be a form of control. (“I’ll do it in my own, sweet time!”). Exercising control over one’s own actions is an important developmental task for preschoolers. If you can give your child more control over the task that needs to be done, Read More