Baby Care Individual Classes

Breastfeeding, Newborn Care, and Life with Baby are also taught as part of our Series >> classes.


BabySafe with Infant CPR

Learn about baby’s development, safety-proofing, injury prevention and treatment. CPR and choking rescue will be demonstrated.

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Learn about how to nurse, when to feed your baby, how to know your baby is getting plenty, pumping, and resources for support with breastfeeding challenges. 

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Newborn Care

Learn how to nurse, when to feed, how to know baby is getting plenty, how to prevent challenges, and about pumps, and essential newborn care basics: physical care, calming crying, bonding, sleep issues and support resources.

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Conscious Fathering

This class is for expectant and new dads, or father-figures, only. The Conscious Fathering course empowers new fathers with practical, hands-on skills that they can immediately use to help bond and care for their new baby. 

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Life with Baby

Learn what you need to know about adjusting to life with your new baby, including making a postpartum plan, finding a support network, going back to work, and more.

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