It’s Only Stanley
By Jon Agee
Ages 4-7
Mysterious noises keep waking up the Wimbledon family. “That’s very odd,” says Mr. Wimbledon each time, but when he returns from checking on the sounds, he’s always reassuring: “It’s only Stanley; he’s fixing the oil tank.”
Marni’s comments:
I had doubts this would make the list until the picture on page four make me laugh out loud. And pretty much every picture and rhyme kept me smiling or laughing through the rest of the story.
Stanley is the Wimbledon’s dog, and he’s up late doing a variety of things that keep the family awake. At first, it seems he’s just howling, like any dog. But the situations keep getting weirder, and the rhymes and illustrations are really funny.
There is an unexpected ending after the final disruption that is super silly–see if you can go back and find the hint on an earlier page about what Stanley is really up to. And make sure to notice the expressions on the cat’s face–I cracked up a few times from just that.
I read this twice in a row because it was so fun- and I have a feeling your children might make you do this too!
This book review is part of our “laugh aloud” special edition newsletter!
If you click on the book cover, it’s a link to buy the book from Amazon. A portion of the proceeds will go to Parent Trust!