Early learning/school readiness skills can be taught in a fun way-by playing games!
What does playing early learning games accomplish?
- You provide an early learning foundation for younger children, helping them become school ready
- You provide a way for older children, already in school but perhaps needing extra help, to acquire skills in a safe, fun, non-punitive environment. When playing these games, it won’t feel like they are being singled out for not knowing early learning skills. They’ll simply be playing a game and having fun.
- You’ll be contributing to the notion that learning is enjoyable; this is an important school-readiness skill!
When can you play?
Since this talking game requires no “props”, you can play anytime. As a bedtime ritual, getting ready in the morning, during a long car ride, instead of TV, while you are doing chores together-anytime you want!
How to play:
- Decide on a food (keep it to yourself)! The item must be edible, and it must be something that you would buy in a grocery store.
- Say out loud: “My father owned a grocery store and the first thing he sold started with the letter [say the letter your food starts with].
- Your child(ren) can shout out their guesses and whoever guesses first gets to be the “chooser” next.
- If your child is unable to guess, try giving them 2 hints. Tricky items (for example, a really hard one is “sugar” since the “s” sound in this word is a “sh” sound”) may need hints.
- If your child is unable to guess after 2 hints, tell them what the item is, and then let them take a turn. Remember, this isn’t about winners and losers. It’s about having fun and enjoying time together while practicing letter recognition.
© Parent Trust for Washington Children