Flowers blooming, skies with some sunshine, and some rainy days indicate the presence of spring in Washington. With the flowers blooming, there are more bees coming to pollinate and create delicious honey. To show your appreciation of bees in a fun, creative way with your child, paper plate bees are the way to go. Preschoolers and kindergartners will be happy busy bees while making this spring craft.
What You Will Need:
● Paper plates (any size)
● Paint (yellow and black)
● Paint brushes
● Plastic cup
● Small black pom-poms
● Wooden clothespins
● Googly eyes
● Glue
Steps to make your Bee
1. Paint the paper plate yellow and let it dry.
2. Put black paint in a plastic cup.
3. Clip a small pom-pom to the end of a clothespin. Hold the other side of the clothespin and place the pom-pom end in the cup with the black paint. This will be used like a stamp to paint the black stripes on the paper plate.
4. Using your pom-pom clothespin with black paint, start from the bottom of the plate and in a row, make black dots on the yellow plate. Repeat this process until you are halfway up the plate. These are the bee’s black stripes. Let the stripes dry.
5. Paint two wooden clothespins black and let them dry. Glue one black pom-pom on each black painted clothespin. Then, clip them to the top end of the plate where it is yellow. These will be the bee’s antennae.
6. Glue two googly eyes on the yellow part of the plate. Let them dry. Now, you have your paper plate bee!
You can go outside and let your child run around with their paper plate bees pretending that they are buzzing around plants and flowers.
This fun activity is from the mom-blogger behind “Non Toy Gifts”. Check her blog out for more crafts and activities.>