Sibling Preparation for Parents

Class Overview

families parent trust

This class gives parents/caregivers helpful tips for how to prepare their child(ren) for the birth of a new baby. It is most helpful for families whose children are 1 and older.

If you would rather register by phone, or have questions:  +206 789 0883 >>

Class Topics

Topics include: ideas for age-appropriate things you can do during pregnancy to teach your child about babies and the changes they bring, planning and preparing your child for what will happen while you are in labor and during your hospital stay, and ways to help smooth out any challenges in the early weeks and months with a new baby in the house.

We will address emotional challenges, regression, safety issues, ways to help prevent or defuse the jealousy that naturally arises, and ways to help your older child learn how to interact well with the baby.

Other Classes to Consider

Parents who are interested in this class for their child may also be interested in Better Birth Refresher >> or Working with Labor Pain >>

Additional Information

General Class FAQS >>

Class Locations >>

Great Starts Instructors >>

Please see our registration page for price information.

If you would rather register by phone, or have questions:  +206 789 0883 >>